
Extremely low temperature for biological regeneration & body boost.

Biological regeneration of overloaded muscles

Cryostimulation is short-term exposure of particular parts of the body (muscle, tendons, ligaments, joint,s trigger points) to extremely low temperature (35.6°F - 39.2°F at the skin surface). Optimal temperature for the treatment achieved by the device ranges between -103°F and -121 °F with exposure time from 1 - 12 minutes.

Effects of carbon dioxide cryostimulation

Carbon dioxide has positive influence on the skin and underlying tissues and is well absorbed by them.

Due to its biophysical characteristics carbon dioxide causes:

  • Blood vessel dilating action
  • Blood flow increase
  • Anti-inflammatory action
  • Blood fluidity improving action “smooth blood”
  • Oxygen dissociation curve tight shift effect (the Bohr effect)

How cryostimulation works

Cryostimulation using CO2 is different from adjuvant techniques like ice and techniques using liquid nitrogen.

CO2 under pressure in a short time provides sufficient cold (35.6°F - 39.2°F) that is powerful (pressure), painless (dry). In a human organism, these conditions enable thermal shock to be easily obtained.

Thermal shock corresponds to the response of the organism in the face of intense and powerful cold flow rapidly delivered to the body surface. The cold is transmitted to the organism via the skin, involving the epidermis, the mesoderm and the hypoderm.

The effects of thermal shock are:

  • anaesthetic
  • analgesic,
  • antalgesic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • vasomotor
  • muscle relaxant
  • anti-oedematous.

The results are felt right after the first session.


  • During the procedure patient/client can choose any suitable position.
  • The operator is moving nozzle 1,2 - 2 in. over the skin surface in scanning movements.
  • Time of the procedure on one body area ranges from 1 to 5 minutes, while in patients/clients with fat deposition or robust musculature may be extended to 10 minutes.
  • In case of procedure on several areas, total time should not exceed 12 minutes.
  • Cryostimulation can be performed at the same time on maximum five joints of palm, foot, and back, counted as one group of small joints.
  • Local cryotherapy session depends on the injury/problem/treatment
  • You can repeat your sesions everyday or even twice a day remembering that the minimum break between sessions should take 4 - 6 hours.
  • In case of Physical therapy your cryotherapy sessions will always be aplicated by your PT before excersises.